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Ergonomics and Design Laboratory in NTUST is handled by Prof. Chiu-Hsiang Lin (林久翔) and Prof. Cheng-Jhe Lin (林承哲). This laboratory aims to design a complete human factors laboratory sharing resources. These are the five major concentrations of Human Factors and Design Laboratory in NTUST:

林久翔 Chiu-Hsiang Joe Lin

圖1. 核電廠主制控室虛擬環境之安全訓練

Fig.1 The Virtual Reality of

Nuclear Power System Control Room

for Safety Training Environment

圖2. 擴增實境於行動裝置之應用

Fig.2 Augmented Reality Applications

of Mobile Device



資訊科技發展迅速,現在的人們可藉由網路,超越時間、空間的限制,作資訊的交流與分享。人因工程 (Human factors) 在台灣發展了數十年,隨著市場競爭加劇,體驗設計 (Experience design) 概念抬頭,產品設計產生重大改變。人機介面從看得到、摸得到,顯而易見的產品,透過心理學研究的合理設計,未來將轉變成虛擬互動,看不到的運用如感測(sensory)等,與實體介面設計不同,要參考使用者的心理、知覺和感觀,虛擬介面的情境感知非常重要,否則,設計出來的產品很僵硬,不容易做到自然互動。

虛擬實境 (Virtual Reality, VR) 為一模擬環境,企圖取代真實場景,可幫助國防軍事單位、工業界、醫療與核電廠等行業在進行人員訓練時,避免高危險作業所帶來的傷害,減少人為失誤及增加危害認知能力,如圖1.所示,為核電廠主制控室之模擬環境,是為員工進行核能安全訓練場所。而與虛擬實境不同的是,擴增實境 (Augmented Reality, AR) 是指結合了虛擬技術,並在實境上擴增資訊,讓使用者體驗不同的視覺感受,如圖2.所示。


  • 行動設備

  • 醫療

  • 工業製程模擬

  • 健身娛樂

Application of Human Factors
in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality


The rapid development of information technology makes people able to build network beyond the time and distance for information exchange. For the last decades, Taiwan’s human factors engineering has developed toward the intensification of market competition, experience of the rising concept or design, and changes in the product design.

In the future, the visible, tangible, obvious human-machine interaction in product through the rational design of psychological research will be transformed into a virtual interaction. This type of interaction has different physical interface design refer to user’s psychology, perception and senses. Virtual interface of situational awareness is also very important. Otherwise, product will be designed very stiff which is not easy to do the natural interaction.

Virtual Reality (VR) is a simulation environment, an attempt to replace the real scene. Its applications help a lot of field, such as in defense and military units, industrial sector, medical through such the nuclear power plants. Its purposes include staff training, system or procedure improvement, and activity risk analysis. Figure 1 shows the VR application in nuclear power plant. It is used to simulate the environment of the control room and it is an efficient way for operator training.

Different from VR, Augmented Reality (AR) refers to a combination of virtual technology and expanded information on the reality. It allows users to have different visual experience, as shown in Figure 2.

Virtual and Augmented Reality applications:

  • Mobile devices

  • Medical treatment

  • Industrial process simulation

  • Fitness and recreation



近年來人機互動技術不斷的進步,讓使用者得以在不需要接觸任何控制器的情況下與虛擬場景互動,透過影像處理技術追蹤使用者的動作,且更進一步得到使用者的動作座標進行三維動作的辨識(如圖1),經由分析即可與虛擬實境場景進行互動 (如圖2),再搭配3D眼鏡讓使用者有如身臨其境的感覺 (如圖3)。

Motion Tracking and Interactive Device 


In recent years, human-computer interaction technology continues to advance. As the result, users can interact with the virtual scene without any device as controller. It can happen through image processing techniques to track user’s movements, to identify three-dimensional (3D) coordinates of user’s actions (Figure 1), and to do interaction with virtual scene (Figure 2) using the 3D glasses. The 3D glasses allow user to feel into the virtual scene (Figure 3).
This kind of study investigates the user’s performance and motion analysis by developing the virtual environment which allows user to do operational interaction as real. The user can touch, smell, hear, and feel anything that is happening in the designed environment. Motion tracking and interactive device help to improve and evaluate the user through the work environment design.

圖1. 動作追蹤擷取座標資料
Fig.1 User Motion Tracking and

Coordinates Data Capture

圖2. 藉由骨架座標資料和虛擬場景互動
Fig.2 Interactive Virtual Scene

圖3. 搭配3D眼鏡與虛擬場景互動
Fig.3 Interaction with 3D Glasses to Virtual Scene

Service Systems Human Factors 


A critical point of service systems is the extent to the suitability of the system for human use, human service, and excellent human experience. The Virtual Reality Lab. will help service system engineers or researchers to explore wide applications in which Human Factors Engineering, Ergonomics, Human Computer Interaction, Usability Testing, Attitude and Opinion Assessment, Servicescape Designs and Evaluations, Cognitive Engineering, Psychometrics, Training for Service Delivery, Co-Production, Service Levels and Cost Effectiveness, Call Center Engineering, Customer Support Engineering, and other possible categories related to the Engineering and Management of Service organizations by utilizing Virtual Reality techniques. Areas of our interests include, but not limited to:

  • Adoption of Health Information Technology (HIT)

  • Aging Society: The Impact of Age on Traditional Service System Constructs

  • Cognitive Systems modeling of Service Systems

  • Context-related Service: the Human Aspect of Service Systems

  • Human-Computer Interaction and HF in Software Technologies

  • Service Network Configuration Impacts on Customer Experience

  • Simulating Employees and Customers in Service Systems

  • Task Analysis

  • Usability and Human Side of Electronic Financial Services

Fig.1 Approaches, Techniques and

Level of Task Analysis

Fig.1 Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing Usability and User Experience


“Usability is the science of making technology work for people”


There are three components of Usability(Nielsen’s Definition)

  • Easy to Learn – How easy is it to use in the first time?

  • Efficiency – How quickly can users reach goals?

  • Satisfaction – How positive is the experience?

使用者經驗 User Experience 

“User experience” encompasses all aspects of the end-user’s interaction with the company, and its services or products. The first requirement for an exemplary user experience is to meet the exact needs of the customer without fuss or bother.

雲端運算 Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is the use of computing resources (hardware and software) that are delivered as a service over a network (typically the Internet). The name comes from the use of a cloud-shaped symbol as an abstraction for the complex infrastructure it contains in system diagrams. Cloud computing entrusts remote services with a user’s data, software and computation.

The basis of our approach is starting from the point of view of user interfaces. According to recent analysis, there are three main lacks to be fixed:

  • The notional correctness: is based in semantics & pragmatics of the man-machine communication.

  • Ergonomics is based on cognitive sciences, i.e. the traditional usability discipline.

  • The secure data management of the user interfaces: is based on recent result of IT-security, mainly the confidence, the ‘trustworthiness’, i.e. the trusted management of the user’s data, from the point of view of the Human Computer Interface (HCI).

Fig.1 “Content is like water” a saying that illustrates the principles of RWD

Responsive Web Design


In the early 1990s, people usually browse the internet by using the desktop computer because of the wireless internet access was just available and the display of devices were not conveniently used when browsing. At that time, the website was based on the desktop version. Only some websites had the mobile version website, it meant that the designer need to design and develop its website twice. As the growth of information technology, the internet connection (especially for the mobile internet access) become more convenient and sort of devices provide varied technology, display size and resolution. Due to this improvement, the website design was made to be adaptive to different platform with different size and resolution. The terms such as “flexible”, “liquid”, “elastic” are used and finally Ethan Marcotte with the “Responsive Web Design” (RWD) describes a new way of designing for the ever-changing web. By this concept, designer can create the dynamic changes to the website appearance depending on the display size and also orientation. Some issues are raised to this design, related to the re-sizing, re-layout, re-organization, and re-navigation. How to optimize the platform that used and its relationship with the user experience – is the question that need to be answered.

Fig.2 Responsive Web Design Illustration



人體是由骨骼、肌肉、神經、內分泌、循環、呼吸、消化、泌尿及生殖等九大系統所構成的,其中骨骼系統與肌肉系統合稱為運動系統;乃是形成人體運動能力之主要條件,肌肉附著於骨骼,由於肌肉的收縮和弛放,使骨骼能以關節為中心產生運動。以人因工程觀點談骨骼肌肉(運動)傷害,一般而言有三種變項與危害因素有關:生理 (Physical),社會心理 (Psychosocial) 及個人變項 (Individual)。人因工程在這方面的研究,主要強調生理變項。
生理工作負荷 (Physical work load) 經常以生物力學方式表達內在暴露的狀況 (Internal Exposure)。實際測量生理工作負荷時,常用問卷調查、觀察法及直接測量三種方式進行。其中直接測量成本高、但精確度也高,而問卷調查法因其成本低較常被採用。傳統上,受力的程度 (Level) 以肌電圖、生產力、外力及心跳表示:重複性 (Repetitiveness) 以週期及姿勢改變次數來表示;工作時間 (Duration) 則以每個工作項目中各種姿勢所佔的時間、每天總工作時間加以估算。

Physical Work and Workplace Design 


Human body has complex integrated systems. As the example, the skeletal system and muscular system collectively known as motor system. The main requirement of human movement is at the muscles formation (contraction and relaxation) which attached to the bones. As the result, the bones can be generated as the center of the joint motion. The three variables and risk factors related to human factors engineering point of view about musculoskeletal injuries in general are individual, psychosocial and the physiological variables, the main emphasis in human factors research area.
Physiological workload expresses intrinsic biomechanical condition. There are some alternatives of actual measurement for physical workload: questionnaire, observation and direct measurement. Questionnaire is the most frequently used method compared to the direct methods. It is because questionnaire has a lower cost although the direct methods give the high accuracy result of the measurement. Traditionally, the repetitiveness and force level of EMG, productivity and heart indicate the frequency, duration of working hours, and work item in a variety of placement positions in order to estimate the total working time.
There are some cases in industries related to the poor workstation design. The main focus is about the efficiency of the device but there is not sufficient consideration of the human as operator or user. This take the major causes in low productivity even the work injury issues. The application of human factors engineering in workstation design is to find the best fit of the work for the user. It will have a great impact on efficiency, safety, physical and mental health improvement of the user.

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